Midge Point, NSW

The beach at Midge Point was significantly eroded after Cyclone Debbie in 2017. In response, The beach was reprofiled using sand taken from a shallow burrow within the tidal zone which was pushed up to the scarf. Sand was removed at a maximum rate of 5m3 per meter of beach. Additionally, fencing was installed to prevent vehicle access, and the dune area was revegetated.

Project details

Beach renourishment

Method: Scraped

Sand source: Same sediment compartment

Sand volume (m2): 2,000

Sand placement: Full profile

Frequency of renourishment: Once

Date of first renourishment: Jan-19

Dune replanting or construction

Method: Revegetation, Rehabilitation, Sand fencing

Rehabilitation - method: Restrict vehicle access

Revegetation - species: Thuarea involute (Tropical beachgrass), Spinefex sericeus (beach spinifex), Ipomoea pes-caprae (Goat’s foot), Canavalia rosea (Beach bean)

General information


Beach renourishment, Dune replanting or construction

Geographic context

Open coast

Organisation responsible

Mackay Regional Council, Vasallo Constructions

Primary objective

Coastal protection

Coastal hazard


Asset vulnerable


Length of coastline targeted (m)


Date of completion


Cost ($AUD)


Source of project funding

State government, Federal government

Project approvals needed

State, Federal