Nundera Point, QLD

Nundera point is a rocky headland immediately south of the extensive shell midden complex at Murramarang Point on the south coast of NSW. The midden was exposed to an erosional blowout behind a broad rock platform. To address this, 120-150m3 of sand was shifted to reshape the dune using a traxcavator. Sand was pushed from the lee of the dune over the edge of the dune crest until it had built up to at least 50cm above the original crest. This was followed by revegetation using sand spinifex (Spinifex hirsutus) which is native to the area. Seeds were collected by volunteers from nearby beaches, and the works were carried out in summer to assist germination. Enviromat (ultraviolet sensitive nylon mesh enclosing aspen wood shavings) was used to stabilise the substrate initially. Finally, low-profile fencing, signposting and some secondary revegetation using local species (Banksia integrifolia, Lomandra longifolia and Leucopogon parviflora). Results: Spinifex germination success was around 50%, however of the secondary plants only Lomandra longifolia survived. The "Enviromat" matting rapidly deteriorated and peripheral areas of dune not covered by the matting experienced higher than usual erosion due to undercutting. Further (identical) works were carried out in these areas to extend the total stabilised area. Eventually, sand fencing was installed as the reshaping and revegetation alone were not adequately preventing erosion. Overall, the midden was more protected than it previously had been, though the works undertaken had not been as successful as hoped.

Project details

Dune replanting or construction

Method: Revegetation, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Sand fencing

Rehabilitation - method: Restrict pedestrian access, Restrict vehicle access, Educational signage

Revegetation - species: Spinifex hirsutus (seed from locally growing plants), Banksia integrifolia, Lomandra longifolia and Leucopogon parviflora

Planting density: Spinifex: 15cm grid

General information


Dune replanting or construction

Geographic context

Open coast

Primary objective

Coastal protection

Coastal hazard

Erosion, Storms

Asset vulnerable


Date of completion