Hallett Cove Beach, SA

Hallett Cove Beach is an exposed beach mostly used for walking, fishing and diving, with the closest built infrastructure approximately 80m behind the foredune. The beach is periodically eroded during storm tides, around the mouth of the Field River and along constructed embankments of Heron Way Reserve. City of Marion uses soft approaches to stabilise the dunes to prevent further erosion. Revegetation, access restriction and sand drift fencing have all been used successfully, with only minor erosion of the dunes seen after storm tide events in 2020-2021. City of Marion delivers an annual coastal monitoring program that assess impacts of annual storm tides and changing sea levels, wind and wave conditions. This includes specialist data capture along with a community citizen science CoastSnap photomonitoring program. The project is funded equally by the local and state governments.

Project details

Dune replanting or construction

Method: Revegetation, Sand drift fencing

Revegetation - species: Coastal spinifex

Sand fence material: Shadecloth, wood and wire

Sand fence configuration: Alongshore

Sand fence porosity: Shadecloth

Sand fence height (m): <1.2m

General information


Dune replanting or construction

Geographic context


Organisation responsible

City of Marion

Primary objective

Habitat restoration

Coastal hazard


Asset vulnerable

Recreational, Natural

Length of coastline targeted (m)


Date of completion


Source of project funding

Local government, State government

Project approvals needed


Links and further information