The mouth of the Kolan river was eroding and causing substantial fine sediment transport to the nearby Great Barrier Reef. To try and stabilise the banks, the gradient of the banks was made shallower and large tree trunks were drilled into the ground. The site was then revegetated with native seedlings and mangroves to further stabilise the banks. The project is expected to prevent 5000 tonnes of sediment from reaching the reef each year, and has already shown to be effective in reducing erosion during storm events in early 2022. The success of the project is being monitored via water quality sampling. The bank stabilisation aspect of the project was funded by the Reef trust through the Burnett Mary Regional Group Discovery Coast project. The re-vegetation work was funded by Bundaberg Sugar.
Method: Hybrid, Planting: nursery reared, Supplementary vegetation
Hybrid structure: Large tree trunks drilled into the ground
Geographic context
Organisation responsible
Burnett Mary Regional Group
Primary objective
Coastal protection
Coastal hazard
Asset vulnerable
Length of coastline targeted (m)
Date of completion
Source of project funding
Federal government, Private investment