Rye Biofiltration, VIC

A dune was constructed to house a biofiltration unit. Increased volume of the dune to prevent storm surges is a co-benefit of this project. The project was funded by Mornington Peninsula Shire, Melbourne Water and the Victorian Department of Land, Water and Planning (via the Port Phillip Bay Fund).

Project details

Dune replanting or construction

Method: Mechanical reconstruction or reshaping

Rehabilitation - method: New access points

Revegetation - species: 4400 plants - Alyxia buxifolia Atriplex cinerea Austrostipa flavescens Carpobrotus rossi Chenopodium candolleanum Correa alba Dichondra repens Distichlis distichophylla Eleocharis acuta Ficinia nodosa Juncus kraussii Leptospermum laevigatum Leucopogon parviflorus Lomandra longifolia Microlaena stipoides Olearia axillaris Poa poiformis Selliera radicans Spinifex sericea - hiko Tetragonia implexicoma

Planting density: 10cm intervals water plants - 40cm intervals dune plants

Constructed dune width (m): 30m

Constructed dune height (m): Approx 2m above ground level

Hybrid dune core material: Rocks in outlet channel to control overflow discharge and infill during storms

General information


Dune replanting or construction

Geographic context


Organisation responsible

Mornington Peninsula Shire Council

Primary objective

Stormwater management

Coastal hazard


Asset vulnerable


Length of coastline targeted (m)


Area of project (ha)


Date of completion

Mid 2021

Cost ($AUD)


Source of project funding

Local government, Private investment, Community grants

Project approvals needed


Links and further information