This revegetation project primarily aims to restabilise the upper layer of sand which was blowing into nearby recreational reserves and a carpark. The project is run by the volunteer Friends of Rye Foreshore Reserve Group.
Dune replanting or construction
Method: Revegetation, Sand fencing
Revegetation - species: 4400 plants - Alyxia buxifolia Atriplex cinerea Austrostipa flavescens Carpobrotus rossi Chenopodium candolleanum Correa alba Dichondra repens Distichlis distichophylla Eleocharis acuta Ficinia nodosa Juncus kraussii Leptospermum laevigatum Leucopogon parviflorus Lomandra longifolia Microlaena stipoides Olearia axillaris Poa poiformis Selliera radicans Spinifex sericea - hiko Tetragonia implexicoma
Planting density: Infill of existing vegetation
Sand fence material: Wood and Plastic
Sand fence configuration: Straight
Sand fence porosity: Limited porosity
Sand fence height (m): Approx 1m
Dune replanting or construction
Geographic context
Organisation responsible
Friends of Rye Foreshore Reserve
Primary objective
Sand blow stabilisation
Coastal hazard
Asset vulnerable
Recreational, Built
Length of coastline targeted (m)
Area of project (ha)
Date of completion
Ongoing since 2010
Cost ($AUD)
Source of project funding
Local government
Project approvals needed
Project details © 2022 Mornington Peninsula Shire