Over 6000ha of seagrass habitat has been lost from the Adelaide coastline. This initiative, led by Ozfish Unlimited, has so far planted over 15,000 seagrass seeds sewn into 800 hessian bags. The project has relied mainly on volunteers, with 350 volunteers involved in 2021. More planting is planned for November 2022, with a final goal of 10ha of restored seagrass habitat. While the primary goal of the project is habitat restoration, sediment stabilisation is an expected co-benefit. The Seeds for Snapper project is being funded by Green Adelaide, NAVICO and BCF. Other project partners and advisors include the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia (CYCSA), Primary Industries and Regions SA, Estuary Care Foundation (ECF), RecFishSA, and the Environmental Protection Authority-SA.
Method: Planting: seed
Seagrass species: Posidonia
Planting density: 40/m2
Hybrid structure: Other: hessian bags
Geographic context
Organisation responsible
OzFish Unlimited
Primary objective
Habitat restoration
Coastal hazard
Erosion, Storms
Asset vulnerable
Date of completion
Annually since 2020
Source of project funding
State government
Project approvals needed