The beach and dunes at Turners Beach have been the subject of ongoing rehabilitation works since 1998. Since 2006, the western and central sections have experienced overall accretion, while the eastern section has continued to show some erosion due to pedestrian access. Overall, "historical photographs and community surveys showed that human access control using boardwalks and vegetation replanting has been successful. Dune fencing was also found to have partly contributed to rehabilitation success, while placement of rocks along the shoreline appeared to have had mixed results, and information signs were found to be the least successful management practice." - excerpt from Johnston and Ellison, 2014.
Dune replanting or construction
Method: Rehabilitation, Revegetation, Mechanical reconstruction
Rehabilitation - method: Restrict pedestrian access, Restrict vehicle access Hard structure installed
Revegetation - species: Native species
Sand fence material: Rocks
Dune replanting or construction
Geographic context
Open coast
Organisation responsible
Central Coast Council Turners Beach Coastcare
Primary objective
Coastal protection
Coastal hazard
Erosion, Sea-level rise
Asset vulnerable
Recreational, Built
Length of coastline targeted (m)
Date of completion
Ongoing since 1998
Source of project funding
Federal government