This project focused on restoring and maintaining the dune system at Clifton Beach Reserve, a popular recreational area. Revegetation was undertaken by Wildcare Deslacs with a grant from Clarence City Council and volunteer assistance. Ongoing weed removal is also undertaken. The project is primarily a habitat restoration project, with dune stabilisation as a co-benefit.
Dune replanting or construction
Method: Revegetation, Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation - method: Weed control
Revegetation - species: Eucalyptus viminalis Banksia marginata Allocasuarina verticillata Acacia longifolia ssp. Sophorae Dodonaea viscosa Atriplex cinerea Carpobrotus rossii Correa alba Goodenia ovata Myoporum insulare Rhagodia candolleana
Dune replanting or construction
Geographic context
Organisation responsible
Wildcare Deslacs
Primary objective
Habitat restoration
Coastal hazard
Erosion, Sea-level rise
Asset vulnerable
Natural, Recreational, Built
Length of coastline targeted (m)
Area of project (ha)
Date of completion
Cost ($AUD)
Source of project funding
Local government
Project approvals needed
Local, State