Tweed River Estuary, NSW

In some areas of the Tweed River Estuary, banks have eroded by 20-30m since the 1960s due to tidal flow, river flow and boat wake. This was associated with the loss of mangrove habitat and subsequent bank destabilisation. Rock fillets have been installed over the years at several sites to protect the remaining mangroves, encourage natural revegetation and stabilise the bank. Mangroves have successfully recolonised behind the rock fillets without the need for manual revegetation. Some of the work has been on private land working with land owners to protect their property and make the riverbanks more robust.

Project details


Method: Hybrid

Mangrove species: Aegiceras corniculatum, Avicennia marina

Hybrid structure: Rock fillets, Low-tide benches

Hybrid structure height (m): Mid-tide level

Hybrid structure width (m): 6

Hybrid structure length (m): 100

General information



Geographic context


Organisation responsible

Tweed Shire Council, land managers, private landowners

Primary objective

Habitat restoration

Coastal hazard


Asset vulnerable

Built, Natural

Date of completion

Ongoing since 2003

Cost ($AUD)


Source of project funding

Local government, State government

Project approvals needed

State, Local

Links and further information