Victor Harbor, SA

Esplanade Beach in Victor Harbor is relatively sheltered and experiences cycles of erosion and accretion. A particularly significant erosion cycle occurred 2004 to 2011 which was accompanied by installation of protection items and sandbag groynes. This has been complemented over time with other management such as dune drift fencing, sand nourishment and restoration of dune vegetation. The use of sand and seaweed wrack mix has been used to buffer wave action in front of the foredune in some locations. As they have been successful so far, the most recent Coastal Adaptation Study and Strategy supports further use of renourishment and dune maintenance into the future, with the possibility for the construction of hard infrastructure if necessary.

Project details

Beach renourishment

Method: Artificially nourished

Sand source: Quarry

Sand volume (m2): 4400

Sand placement: Dune area

Frequency of renourishment: Sporadic

Date of first renourishment: 2009

Date of last renourishment: 2019

Dune replanting or construction

Method: Revegetation, Sand fences

General information


Beach renourishment, Dune replanting or construction

Geographic context


Organisation responsible

City of Victor Harbor

Primary objective

Coastal protection

Coastal hazard

Erosion, Storms, Sea-level rise

Asset vulnerable

Natural, Built, Recreational

Length of coastline targeted (m)


Date of completion

Ongoing since 2009

Source of project funding

Local government

Project approvals needed


Links and further information