The Narrabeen Lagoon entrance periodically fills with sand transported from storm tide events and trapped by the lagoon. This causes increased flood risk for built and recreational infrastructure during heavy rainfall and king tides, as water cannot escape the estuary rapidly. Sand is periodically removed from the lagoon entrance and placed on the nextdoor Narrabeen and Collaroy beaches, which are experiencing substantial erosion pressures. This project successfully addresses the flood risk at the lagoon, but the renourishment is not enough to address the ongoing erosion at the beaches.
Beach renourishment
Method: Artificially nourished
Sand source: River
Sand volume (m2): 45,000
Sand placement: Visible beach
Frequency of renourishment: 3 years (2018 then 2021)
Date of last renourishment: 2021
Beach renourishment
Geographic context
Open coast
Organisation responsible
Warringah Council
Primary objective
Coastal protection
Coastal hazard
Flooding, Erosion
Asset vulnerable
Built, Recreational
Date of completion
Cost ($AUD)
$1.4 million