Kirra and North Kirra beaches fluctuate in width, with severe erosion experienced in the 1980s and 1990s. After an injection of sand from the Tweed Sand Bypass project, coupled with low storm activity for a decade, the beaches accreted a substantial amount of sand, to the point that some action was taken to reduce the width of the beach. Since 2009 however, storm events have and continue to reduce the width of the beach. No action to address this is currently planned as the sand levels are expected to fluctuate naturally within acceptable levels.
Beach renourishment
Method: Sand bypass/backpass
Sand source: Same sediment compartment
Sand volume (m2): 400,000 and 3,200,000
Sand placement: Dune area, Visible beach
Beach renourishment
Geographic context
Open coast
Organisation responsible
City of Gold Coast
Primary objective
Coastal protection
Coastal hazard
Asset vulnerable
Length of coastline targeted (m)
Date of completion
Cost ($AUD)
$2 million
Source of project funding
State government